Youth Assembly
Urbanization, Housing and the Youth of Asia-Pacific
The Asia-Pacific region is home to more than 2 billion people under the age of 30, making up 54% of the world’s youth population. Meanwhile, urbanization continues to be a defining megatrend in the region, largely affecting the youth sector. As a crucial population group contributing to and benefiting from urbanization, the youth must be actively engaged in developing sustainable solutions in urban areas.
Asia-Pacific Youth Assembly
The 2023 Asia-Pacific Youth Assembly (PDF), organized by Habitat for Humanity in cooperation with the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, aims to bring together young people to:
- learn from experts on urbanization including housing,
- craft concrete local projects on sustainable urban communities and housing, and
- network among fellow youth from across the region.
It serves as a side event of the Ninth Asia-Pacific Housing Forum and one of the five assemblies of the Eighth Asia-Pacific Urban Forum, providing vast networking opportunities and significant platform for urban and housing discussions and solutions.
Past Activities
Meet and learn from the winners of the 2023 Youth Solutions Micro-grant with a virtual one-hour session on January 26.
International Youth Day
On August 12, International Youth Day, more than300 participants joined a virtual session to learn from industry experts on housing and urbanization and collaborate with fellow youth from the region. Brenda Perez-Castro, Habitat for Humanity’s Director for Urban Programming, explained key concepts around urbanization and invited a conversation among the participants about the opportunities and challenges that comes with it. Participants also tailored input on project management to help strengthen their applications for the Youth Microgrants Solutions and to prepare them for effective implementation of their housing solutions. Read the highlights here.
Solutions and Commitments in Suwon, South Korea
A day before the official launch of APUF-8, 70 young leaders from 10 countries gathered in Suwon, South Korea, to exchange insights on urbanization and share their proposed projects to address housing challenges in their local communities. Read the highlights in this blog.
The youth participants crafted commitments for the creation of inclusive solutions for a sustainable urban future and for the provision of equitable access for adequate housing.
Youth voices amplified in learning session
On February 24, the five winners of the Youth Solutions Micro-Grant—one of the key components of the 2023 Asia-Pacific Youth Assembly organized by Habitat for Humanity in partnership with UNESCAP—shared their solutions for adequate housing in an online ‘meet and learn’ session that attracted more than 70 participants.
Titled ‘AMPLIFIED, an initiative of the 2024 Habitat Young Leaders Build featuring the 2023 Asia-Pacific Youth Solutions Micro-grant winners’, the event advocated for more youth-driven solutions across the Asia-Pacific region and encouraged young leaders to learn from and sustainably engage with Habitat’s work. It hosted an opportunity for youth leaders, volunteers, and advocates alike to virtually interact with each other. It also promoted participation in numerous HYLB campaign events happening across participating countries in the region until April 2024. View the highlights here.
Youth Solutions Micro-Grant 2023
Young people are uniquely placed to become effective agents of change within their communities. Recognizing this potential, the Youth Solutions Micro-Grant will support the youth to start, replicate, or scale up their solutions to housing and urban challenges in the Asia-Pacific region.
Here are the top youth solutions we’ve gathered across the region.